
Member of the North Cyprus National Network

Geographical Area
The Yeniboğaziçi (Ayios Seryios) Municipality is composed of eight villages (Yeniboğaziçi, Mormenekşe, Alaniçi, Akova, Yıldırım, Atlılar, Sandallar and Muratağa), and falls within the district of Gazimağusa (Famagusta). The Municipal region has just fewer than 7,000 inhabitants and is one of the largest rural communities within the district. Its close proximity to the sea and ruins of times passed make this region a geographical jewel.

Before the conflict in Cyprus pre-1974 the village of Yeniboğaziçi was composed of both Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot residents and was situated within the Larnaca district in the South of Cyprus, and originally named Aytotoro. Upon the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in 1974 the Turkish Cypriot villagers relocated to its current vicinity within the North. The Yeniboğaziçi Municipality was formally established in 1980 and originally composed of the one main village; and by 2005 the other seven villages joined the Municipality to establish its current state today.

The region is mostly known for the cultivation and production of artichokes as well as agriculture and livestock production, and these contribute to the economy of the region. Tourism also contributes to the fiscal capacity of the region with the abundance of traditional restaurants (both within the villages and along the sea front), guided tours of the ancient ruins from the Byzantine and Roman eras, as well as other tourist attractions.

The Yeniboğaziçi Municipality prides itself of promoting and safe guarding the well being of its residents and of the local agriculture. The Municipality supports and promotes the ethos of Cittaslow in applying the concepts of slow food and slow living within every day practice and life. The residents welcome this slow and healthy way of life and in respecting the history and authenticity of traditional Cypriot culture of good food, handicrafts and slow Mediterranean living.

Main Events:
Events held annually:
9th March - Cyprus Spring Festival Picnic
August - The annual Yeniboğaziçi Pulya Festival
10th December - Earth Day Celebrations

The Yeniboğaziçi Organic Market is held once a week on Wednesday from 8.00am-14.00pm and is run by the local women's organisations.


Katip Demir - Mayor of Yenibogazici

Meryem Karagil- Representative Cittaslow Yenibogazici